I admired the simplicity embraced by these new southern NH baby parents. Every part of them was focused on welcoming this newborn baby into their happy world beginning with great photographs. We spent so much time capturing newborn expressions and love and connection…through holding and playing. When I come to a newborn shoot I have a few goals in mind
-I am looking to create classic and slightly modern images that reflect connection. Yes, this means you need to be ready to open your heart, even you dad:) In years to come your little one will look at these images and take comfort from the love, joy, amazement and raw emotion that you have shown for them.
-I am looking for details…before long your newborn grows into the wrinkles in their fingers and toes and never will be that small again.
-I am look for the dwelling…for 9 months you await the arrival and welcome your new one home. I want to capture a authentic presentation of what life looked like then, the room, the handmade items, the little booties and diapers and notes that people sent on bundles of flowers…the casual…so come as you are, simple tees and barefeet.